There are three types of plans available on the spynPRO app:
- Subscription plan (E.g. Monthly plan)
- Trial plan
- One time plan (E.g. Registration fee)
To add a subscription Plan:
- On the Home page, under Quick Actions, click on the + icon next to Plans.
- First, add a Plan Title. E.g. Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
- Next, enter the Duration of the plan. You can change the unit to day, week,month or year. E.g. 3 days, 1 week, 3 months, 1 year
- Then, enter the payable Fee .
- Enable Payment in Installments if you allow part payment. You can then enter the installment amount and the due date.At the time of adding client to this plan, you will be allowed to change this value. (Optional)
- Next, if you want to specify a limited no. of sessions to the client, toggle on Limited Sessions and enter the maximum number of sessions they can attend. E.g. 10 sessions in one month. At the time of marking their attendance, you can see how many of these sessions are done so far. (Optional)
- If you wish the clients of this plan to be auto-renewed upon end of their subscription, enable the Auto-renew option. In case you select limited sessions, you have the option to renew on the last date of subscription or on the day they use up their last session, whichever is earlier. Select the appropriate one. (Optional)
- Enable the Allow Makeup Sessions if you provide your clients the option of attending sessions in another class if they are absent for their regular class. You can set the maximum number of makeup sessions allowed. Next, select the class they are allowed to attend for the makeup session. You have 3 options to choose from – classes the client are added to, classes that are assigned to this plan (irrespective of whether the client is added to it) or all visible classes that you conduct. You can also provide the option to the client to select the class from the spyn CONNECT app in Settings or you can assign it to them by heading to the Client list page. (Optional)
- Under Plan Visibility, select Clients of that Plan if you wish only your clients to see the plan details on spyn CONNECT page/app. Select Everyone to let all visitors to your spyn CONNECT page see the plan.
- Under Settings, if you have enabled the option of online class booking from spyn CONNECT page, you can Restrict Start Date when clients Book Online by enabling it here. The Start Date can be set on a Periodic basis ( Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) E.g. You wish all client’s subscription to start on the 1st of every month. Enter the value 1 here and select Month option from here. When a client books a class online using this plan, they will be shown start dates as 1st of every month. By clicking on Add another, you can add one more periodically set Start Date too. The second option is to Use default value from settings to set a Start Date. The final option is to mention a Specific Date.
- Again, if online class booking is enabled, you can set the Maximum Number of Classes a client can join while booking the class. E.g. you can have 2 plans – a monthly silver plan that allows a client to join only 1 class and a more expensive monthly gold plan that allows a client to join 2 classes. A client buying a gold plan online will be asked to select 2 classes.
- Write instructions and notes about the plan to be sent to clients via email once they subscribe to the plan. It will also be visible on spyn CONNECT page. E.g. Bring your own sports gear.
- Click on the SAVE button to add the plan.
You just added a subscription plan for your class on spyn CONNECT. Click here to add one time plan and here to add trial plan.