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  4. Renew, Pause/Extend, Stop & Cancel Subscription Plan Options

Renew, Pause/Extend, Stop & Cancel Subscription Plan Options

A client’s subscription can be renewed, edited, paused & extended, stopped and cancelled from the Renewals page.

RENEW plan manually . Change plan, classes, start date and end date, if you wish to.

EDIT plan, classes, discount and start date. Disabled if payment received for the plan.

PAUSE / EXTEND if a student can’t come for a few days and/or extend their subscription.

STOP when you want to disable auto renewal on end of plan or if you want to stop subscription mid-way.

CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION for entire plan duration and enter cancellation fee, if any.

Find these actions under Home Page > Quick Actions > Renewals > option

Renew Plan

  1. On the Renewals list page, renewals of each client will be listed.
  2. Move cursor to the desired client and click on Renew icon.
  3. Renew Plan page will open with plan, class, start date, invoice no. and discount pre-filled as per last subscription.
  4. You can change them if required.
  5. Click on RENEW.


You can renew subscriptions in bulk for multiple clients.

  1. On the Renewals list page, renewals of each client will be listed.
  2. Multi-select the clients whose plans you wish to renew from the check list on left.
  3. Click on the ACTION button and click on Renew from the dropdown.
  4. On the dialog box, select Renew without Change if you wish to renew their subscription without making any changes. Select Change Plan Details if you wish to make changes in the subscription under this renewal.
  5. If you selected Renew without Change, click on PROCEED. If you selected Change Plan Details, you will be directed to edit. After making appropriate changes, click on RENEW.

Pause / Extend Plan

This option is useful in cases when a client can’t attend sessions for some time due to any reason, say exams.

You can Pause their subscription for the said period of leave and optionally Extend their subscription.

  1. On the dropdown under option, click on Pause.
  2. The Plan page will open with an option to set the Pause duration. Set the Start and End date for the same.
  3. Assign an Extend date for the plan, i.e. a revised end date. (optional). Click on the auto-fill option if you wish to extend by the number of days the subscription was paused.
  4. Enter the Reason for future reference.
  5. Click on PAUSE/EXTEND to save changes.

Stop plan

You can use this option if a client discontinues their class midway.

On stopping them, they won’t be renewed automatically even if auto renewal is enabled in settings. Their name will be removed from Renewals list. However, their details will still be available in Client list.

  1. On the Home page, under Quick Actions, click on Renewals.
  2. The renewal listing will be displayed with names and details of all clients.
  3. Move cursor on the desired client and click on Stop icon.
  4. On the Stop Plan page, set the Plan Stop Date to the date from when a client does not wish to continue.
  5. Set the Plan Stop Date to the End Date if a client does not wish to their plan to auto-renew for the next cycle.
  6. Enter Revised fees if desired. The pending amount will be recalculated automatically.
  7. Mention the Reason for future reference.

Stop Subscription in Bulk

You can stop subscriptions in bulk for multiple clients.

  1. On the Renewals list page, renewals of each client will be listed.
  2. Multi-select the clients whose renewals you wish to stop from the check list on left.
  3. Click on the ACTION button and click on STOP from the dropdown.
  4. Write the Reason to Stop on the newly opened dialogue box.
  5. Click on OK to confirm action.

Subscriptions will be stopped.

Cancel Subscription Plan

Cancel a client’s subscription when the subscription was added incorrectly or is not valid.

  1. On the dropdown under option, click on Cancel subscription.
  2. On the Cancel Subscription page, check the pending fee along with fee details.
  3. Toggle and enter any amount to levy cancellation charges, if applicable.
  4. Mention the Reason for future reference.

When a client’s plan is cancelled, their fee is also cancelled. So, if you wish to charge the client, you need to enter the cancellation amount.

Ex. if a client wants to cancel their subscription to a plan of Rs.1000. You can levy a cancellation charge of Rs.200. The pending amount will then change from Rs.1000 to Rs.200.

Updated on November 20, 2021

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