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  4. Renew, Edit, Pause/Extend, Stop & Cancel Subscription Plan on Subscriber’s Info Page

Renew, Edit, Pause/Extend, Stop & Cancel Subscription Plan on Subscriber’s Info Page

The following actions can be taken on a subscription:- 

  1. a)Renew the client’s plan manually. You may change plan, class and start date. 
  2. b)Edit the client’s plan, class allowed, discount and start date. Plan can be edited only if no payment is made. 
  3. c)Pause/Extend the subscription plan if the client is taking a break. You may extend the end date to compensate for the break. 
  4. d)Stop Plan if a client wishes to discontinue midway or to disable their auto renewal at the end of subscription. 
  5. e)Cancel subscription if a client was added incorrectly to a plan. 

Steps to perform above actions:- 

  •  Go to Home, click on clients 
  •  Click on an individual client and go to the Plans tab 
  •  Select the desired action 

a) Renew Plan:- 

  •  Click on the 3-dot icon on RHS next to the plan you wish to renew 
  •  It will direct you to the Subscription renewal page with a plan, class, start date, and discount pre-filled as per the last plan subscription of the client. You may change all of the above details. 
  •  After making changes, if any, click on RENEW 

b) Edit subscription:- 

You can edit classes allowed, discounts, and the start date for the client’s selected plan. Change in Discount amount results in automatic recalculation of the pending amount. 

  •  Click on the 3-dot icon next to the plan you wish to edit 
  •  Click Edit 
  •  Make the necessary changes and then click on SAVE on top of RHS 

c) Pause / Extend Plan:- 

Ex For clients who can’t come due to exams for 5 days, you may pause them for that period and extend their plan subscription by 5 days. 

  • Click on the 3-dot icon next to the plan you wish to pause/extend 
  • Click Pause 
  • On the Pause page, select pause from and up-to-date 
  • You may extend the period (Optional) by entering the revised end date, otherwise, it will automatically fill in as well.  
  • Mention the reason for future reference and click on pause/extend. 

d) Stop plan:- 

Use if: 

  • Your client decides to discontinue midway. 

Their details won’t be deleted and will be available in the client’s list. 

  • Click on the 3-dot icon next to the plan you wish to stop 
  • Click Stop 
  • On the Stop page, enter the stop on date. Enter the end date of the plan if you are stopping a client who does not wish to renew. 
  • Enter revised fees (optional). If revised, the pending amount is automatically recalculated 
  • Mention the reason for future reference and click on STOP. 


NOTE:- On stopping them, they won’t be renewed automatically even if auto-renewal is enabled in settings. Their name will be removed from the Renewals list. 


e) Cancel Subscription Plan:- 

Ex. when a subscriber is added or renewed incorrectly, you may cancel their subscription. 

  • Click on the 3-dot icon next to the plan you wish to cancel 
  • Click Cancel 
  • Enter cancellation charges, if any. 
  • Note the reason for canceling the subscriber’s plan for your future reference and click on cancel. 

When a subscriber’s plan is canceled, their fee is also canceled. If you wish to levy cancellation fees, enter cancellation charges. 

Ex. if a subscriber wants to cancel their subscription to a plan of Rs.1000 and you have a cancellation fee of Rs.200, enter 200 as the cancellation charge. The subscriber’s pending amount will be revised from Rs.1000 to Rs.200 (attendance) 


  • NOTE:- If you cancel a client’s subscription plan, all associated attendance data will be deleted as well 

Updated on October 14, 2024

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