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  3. Pending Transactions
  4. Pending Transactions Details

Pending Transactions Details

To view pending transactions along with the plan subscription, assigned due date, and pending amount, please follow these steps: 
1. Navigate to the Homepage and locate the Quick Actions section. 
2. Click on “Pending Transactions.” 
3. On the Transactions page, select the Pending tab to view a list of all pending transactions. 
4. Review the client names along with their plan subscription and the amount due for the remaining payment. 
5. Click on the specific client whose Pending Transaction details you wish to examine. This will display: 
– Client Name 
– Class enrolled in 
– Pending Payment and Due Date 
– Contact details, including Phone number and Email address provided during registration 
– Total Payable Amount, which includes Plan Subscription Amount, Discount Value, Installment Charges, Paid fees, Unpaid fees, and One-time Plan charges 
– A detailed fee breakdown for your reference 

From this page, you can also take the following actions: 

  • Send a payment reminder 
  • Receive/Add Payment 
  • Write off 
  • Share the information on WhatsApp

Updated on October 11, 2024

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