Create single item invoice for accessories like jerseys, cricket kits, and more.
- On the Home page, click ‘Invoices’ in the left navigation panel.
- On the Invoices listing page, choose ‘Item Invoices’ and click ‘Add Invoice’.
- Next, enter your client’s name in the ‘Search’ field. Details like gender, email, and mobile number will be pre-filled automatically.
- Configure the invoice prefix and number in Settings → Invoices. (Optional)
- You can adjust the invoicing date and select a salesperson (If enabled in settings) for tracking sales progress. (Optional)
- Click on the ‘Items’ and select ‘Add new item’ to add a new item.
- After creating the item, you can even select it from the dropdown menu.
- To add multiple items, click the ‘Add Item’ option below.
- You can add visible notes for your clients. (Optional)
- Then, toggle the ‘Payment Received’ switch to confirm payment and click on ‘ADD’ to save the Invoice details.
- Next, you can send the invoice receipt to your clients via email, the Connect app, or WhatsApp (If Email ID or Mobile Number is added).